The Lord’s House Church Food for the Soul Ministry runs on biblical principles of reaching out
to the hurting world with love, compassion, and hope! We are a community faith-based food
We are open the first Saturday of every month from 8:30-11:00am. We currently open our doors
for In-House service at 8:30am, where we fellowship, sing songs of praise and worship, have the
opportunity to share testimony, and feed on the Bread of Life. We serve 80-100 people every
single month and look forward to serving many more.
To keep our clients and volunteers safe we offer a drive-thru style pantry with pre-packaged
boxes. You can remain in your vehicle and follow the signs to the pick-up area. Clients can be
from any county and can attend every month.
The pantry is available and open every Saturday of the month from 8:00-10:00am for those in
If you are interested in volunteering, please reach out to Volunteers are
needed on the first Thursday of the month before the pantry from 11:00am-1:00pm and during
the pantry (first of every month) from 8:00-11:00am.
If you would like to contribute to the pre-packaged boxes, you can reach out to to discuss needs.
Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of
Man will give you. John 6:27